
Breathe and Relax! The Power Of Meditation

Meditation with Hannah Tokuno

Hannah Tokuno has returned to give us some Ohmmmmmm. The Californian model has been practicing Yoga and Meditation for almost 15 years and says that it clears her mind and acts as a great stress reliever.


Modeling can be challenging, and at times soul destroying. It's not easy to let the effects of competition and rejection roll off your back. Therefore, it is important to include activities in your day-to-day life that make you happy.


Meditation is one of the best ways to generate calm. It also allows you to focus on your goals and positive thoughts, and manifest them into your reality. If you've never tried it before, now is the time! Find a nice quiet spot to sit or lie down, then let Hannah teach you how to meditate in the video below.  Namaste.


Mother Agent: Stars Management

WORKOUT WEDNESDAYS: Spin Til You Sweat Playlist And Shopping Guide

Workout Wednesday - Spin Til You Sweat Playlist

If you're wanting to spin your butt off or just channel your inner Ariana Grande from the "Side to Side" music video, here's a playlist that will keep your legs moving, and dancing in your seat!

No Matter How You Spin It - You Need These Essentials For Indoor Cycling!

Indoor cycling and Spin classes are a mainstay at the gym, but specialized boutique studios like Flywheel Sports, SoulCycle, and Cyc are bringing the workout to more people than ever before. Regardless of where you choose to turn the wheel, you'll need the right gear.

WORKOUT WEDNESDAYS: Biceps And Triceps With David Kait

Workout Wednesday - with David Kait

  David Kait is back, and he has a killer workout for your biceps and triceps!

Watch David explain the movement and form of each exercise, grab the equipment listed below




Pair of Dumbbells - and if you don't have any, there are some household objects that are great alternatives.  




If you want a longer workout, check out his leg and chest & back exercises.

1) Hammer Curls  3 x 16 reps

2) Concentration Curls 3 x 6 reps each arm

3) Deuserband Curls 3 x 16 reps 

4) Bench Dips 3 x 16 reps

5) Rear Tricep Extension with  3 x 8 reps each arm



Mother Agent: Stars Management

WORKOUT WEDNESDAYS: Yogi Playlist And Shopping Guide

Yogi Playlist And Shopping Guide
Karolin Kurkova by Steven Meisel for Vogue Italia 2001

Workout Wednesday - The Yogi Playlist

Following on from last week's Sun Salutation, given to us by the lovely Hannah Tokuno, we wanted to continue our 'Zen' state and create a playlist that will keep you chill 'til the weekend. (Spotify) 

We also have an added bonus of a coed shopping guide, for the hottest yoga wear to look amazing in while doing your downward dogs or cat cows,

...or just listening to this playlist!

  • Electric Yoga The United Tank $78 (

Workout Wednesdays: Exercises For Runners With Maya

Workout Wednesday - with Maya Tucker

  Maya Tucker knows a thing or two about performance. A former pro-soccer player turned model can not only shoot a mean goal, but she also loves to run and surf, amongst other sporting activities. For this week's Workout Wednesday, Maya shows us her favorite pre and post run exercises. Happy running!

Mother Agent: Stars Management

Workout Wednesdays: Cardio Playlist

Workout Wednesday - Cardio Playlist

  We got your tunes right here for a solid 30 minute cardio workout. Plus, a cool down that will give you good vibes that will last throughout the day! (Spotify) 

Cardio Playlist

Cool Down Jams

Workout Wednesdays: Leg Day with David Kait.

Workout Wednesday - with David Kait

  We are thrilled to be working out with David Kait again. It's leg day, just to keep you strong while walking those miles during show season!

Below is the equipment you need, and if you don't have a kettlebell, there are some household objects that are great alternatives. 


Kettlebell - Check out portable kettlebells for traveling



Watch David explain the movement and form of each exercise - Then GO FOR IT!

1) Squat with Kettlebell  3 x 15 reps

2) Jumping Lunges 3 x 16 reps

3) Lateral Lunges with Kettlebell 3 x 16 reps

4) Calf Raises 3 x 10 reps each leg

5) Leg Extension with Deuserband 3 x 8 reps each leg

6) Abductors - Adductors with Deuserband 3 x 8 reps each leg

7) Pistol Squat 2 x as many reps as you can


Mother Agent: Stars Management

Workout Wednesdays: Three Online Workouts We Love

Workout Wednesday - Three of our favorite workout websites

 Happy Wednesday! If you’re looking for a new workout routine, but you don’t want to be joining a gym or studio because of your life on the road, these three websites are worth checking out.


YogaGlo is a website where you can customize your own private yoga and meditation classes taught by certified yoga instructors. Whether you have five minutes or two hours to dedicate to a yoga sesh – you can select not only your time frame, but your level of expertise, and any adjustments due to injuries. They offer a 15-day free trial. However, their membership fees are still very affordable compared to the cost of a yoga studio. Plus, you can choose whenever and wherever you wish to take your class. (membership: $18 per month)

Ballet Beautiful
Three Online Workouts We Love

Ballet Beautiful is designed to sculpt sleek, lean, and toned muscles as well as improve flexibility and posture. If this isn’t an ideal model workout, we don’t know what is! Developed by Mary Helen Bowers, who after training Natalie Portman for her role in the Black Swan has been coveted by countless A-list celebs and supermodels, including Miranda Kerr and Karlie Kloss. But, don’t worry; you don’t have to be a dancer or gymnast to be able to follow Bowers’ instructions. Ballet Beautiful is for everyone, and you can also customize her workouts to suit your ability and needs. (membership: $39.99 per month)

Need something a little more gritty and muscle pumping? Try the infamous Spartan Race ‘Workout Of The Day’. You simply have to sign up using your email address, and you will get your daily marching orders from the Spartan boot camp in your inbox. Yes, you will be training like Spartan competitors so why not check to see if there is a future race in your area and give that a go while you’re at it. Aroo! (free through archives or get a membership through Daily Burn)

You Only Got Five Minutes: To Workout

You Only Got Five Minutes - with David Kait

No time to workout? Don't you worry! David Kait, a former police officer in Greece and now a male model and actor here in the US (with Stars Management), shows us how to do a full body workout in just 5 minutes....and since he was a drill sergeant in the police academy, we know it's going to do the job!
