Model Agent

Building Your Portfolio

 Building Your Portfolio

It is a general rule that the more magazine tear sheets and campaigns you have in your portfolio, the more it motivates clients to book you.  This is because they demonstrate your hirability and experience. But, what if you are a new face and have never done a photo shoot, or you are not booking jobs that provide tear sheets? Not to worry, this is what testing is for.

Test shoots are styled and shot as if they were for magazines, but more focused on the model rather than the clothes. They are a way to build up your portfolio, as well as your professional experience. Not only do new faces rely on testing; established models also utilize it to keep momentum while they wait for published editorials or advertising jobs, and to keep their portfolios updated.

Testing comes in two forms:

  • TFP – Trade for prints.



Many models have to hire photographers in order to get their portfolios started. Your agent will either set it up or put you in contact with him or her. It is likely that the photographer is a client, who shoots advertising, magazines, or catalogs. Testing is a great way for working photographers to become familiar with new models.

Paid tests can cost anywhere from $200 to $850, depending on the photographer, location and what kind of team is involved. After the shoot, your agency will receive a CD, zip file or web link containing all the photos. Keep in mind that there is the possibility of having to do more than one paid test, especially is you are a new face.



There is a constant flow of photographers trying to get established within the fashion industry. One of the ways they do this is by reaching out to model agencies to offer free test shoots. In return, they can use the images for promotional purposes in their portfolios. The model (or models) will also be given copies for their books. These are known as “trade shoots”, or trade-for-print (TFP) shoots. 

However, these trade shoots may not always work out. This can be due to poor photography, gaudy styling or an unsuitable theme. It is part of the risk and nature of working with new artists. But, whether the images make it into your book or not, the experience will help you grow as a model.

*If an artist approaches you directly to organize a shoot, notify your agency for approval. Your agent will know if the shoot will be worth your while (and safe!) 



With a fastidious eye your agent specifically arranges your portfolio or "book" so that you are presented in the best possible way. They select the images from your test shoots , as well as any published editorials or campaigns. Some of the shots chosen may not be your favorite but, in the agent’s professional opinion, the photos enhance your features, body shape or personality. Special care is taken to include a number of poses and looks that show diversity, and appeal to as many clients as possible. Yet, not all clients are going to love all your photos. Should one client say they don’t like a picture, it does not mean that it won’t interest another. 

As a new face, it is normal to start out with four or five prints in your book. It is far more effective to have a few great pictures than a lot of ordinary ones. Keep in mind that it takes a while for a portfolio to develop into one worthy of a well-seasoned model, so be patient.  






Model Search With Stars Management #fmd❤️stars

FMD & Stars Management Have Joined Forces To Find New Faces!

Top west coast model agency, Stars Management, has collaborated with us to discover the next new face. Think you have what it takes to become a modeling star?  ENTER TODAY to find out! 


WOMEN:                       MEN: 

  Age 16-30                   Age: 16-30

    Height 5'7" - 6'          Height 5'10" - 6'3"

If you were only "asking for a friend," but want to keep up with the search,  follow @_fmd_  and @starsmanagement or hashtags #fmdlife  #fmd❤️stars to see who might be the winners!  

Prizes include : A Photoshoot and Interview that will appear on FASHION MODEL DAILY, and you may even get a modeling contract with STARS MANAGEMENT!








By entering this Promotion, entrants accept and agree to be bound by these Official Rules. Any violation of these rules may, at FASHION MODEL DAILY or STARS MANAGEMENT's discretion, result in disqualification. All decisions of the judges regarding this Promotion are final and binding in all respects.

PROMOTION PERIOD. Promotion begins 010:31 AM PST 03/05/18 and ends 11:59 PM PST 03/25/18, when all entries must be received (“Promotion Period”). 

ELIGIBILITY. This Promotion is only open to legal residents of the State of California who are not represented by any modeling agency as of the date of entry and during the Promotion Period, legally authorized to work in the United States, and at least 16 years old as of the date of entry, except officers, directors, members, and employees of the Sponsor, the judging organization (if applicable), or any other party associated with the development or administration of this Promotion, including STARS MANAGEMENT, LLC (“STARS MANAGEMENT”) and the immediate family (i.e., parents, children, siblings, spouse), and persons residing in the same household, as such individuals. This Promotion is void outside the State of California, and where prohibited. 

HOW TO ENTER. Visit during the Promotion Period and follow the instructions for the FMD + Stars Management Search to complete and submit the entry form. (“Submission”)You must include five (5) photos of yourself: at least one (1) should be a close up, and one (1) full length. Entrant must be the only person featured in the photos and entrant must have permission from the photographer to use the photos as described in these rules. Entrants represent and warrant that their Submission is the original work of such entrant, it has not been copied from others, and it does not violate the rights of any other person or entity. Entrant further represents and warrants that their Submission adheres to the fundamental spirit of the Promotion and does not contain any defamatory, obscene or otherwise unlawful matter or depict anyone engaged in any illegal, immoral or lewd act, any violent or pornographic material or contain any other inappropriate content (as determined by Sponsor). Limit: One entry per person and one entry per e-mail address during the Promotion Period. All entrant information, including e-mail addresses, is subject to the respective Privacy Policy of FASHION MODEL DAILY. 

WINNER SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION. All entries will be judged on or about 03/26/18 (the “Judging Date”) by a panel of judges including the STARS MANAGEMENT team, and the FASHION MODEL DAILY ceo . The judges will score entries based on the following criteria: appearance (25%), personal style (25%) clarity of photos (25%) and potential as an STARS MANGEMENT model (25%). At the discretion of FASHION MODEL DAILY and STARS MANAGEMENT, one (1) or more entries may be declared potential winners. Any and all winners will be posted online at Any potential winner will be notified by mail, email and/or telephone. If a potential winner: (i) cannot be contacted; (ii) does not respond within twenty-four (24) hours from the date/time the STARS MANAGEMENT first tries to notify him/her; (iii) refuses the prize; and/or (iv) the prize or prize notification is returned as undeliverable, an alternate potential winner may, at STARS MANAGEMENT’s discretion, be selected and the original potential winner may forfeit all rights to win the Promotion or receive the prize. Upon contacting a potential winner and determining that he/she has met all eligibility requirements of the Promotion, at STARS MANAGEMENT’s discretion, such individual will be declared the “winner” of the Promotion. 

PRIZE DESCRIPTION. One (1) Winner or more have the potential to win the Prize. The Prize is (i) the opportunity at STARS MANAGEMENT and FASHION MODEL DAILY’s discretion to appear in a future article for FASHION MODEL DAILY and appear on FASHION MODEL DAILY’s digital platforms and Instagram feed. In addition, the winner and/or winners, will also have the opportunity at STARS MANAGEMENT’s discretion within the two (2) month period following the Promotion Period to enter into a representation agreement with STARS MANAGEMENT. All prizes have no retail value. If FASHION MODEL DAILY elects to feature the winners in FASHION MODEL DAILY’s digital platforms and Instagram feed, a photo shoot will take place sometime during the months of April, May, June and July 2018 in the Bay Area/ San Francisco, California. Transportation for elected winners would be covered by FASHION MODEL DAILY. (Note: any expenses associated with guests accompanying the grand the winner/ winners on this trip will be the sole responsibility of the winner/winners). If the winner and/or winners are unable to attend the photo shoot, they may forfeit the prize and an alternate winner and/or winner’s may be chosen. 

TAXES. All federal, state and/or local income and other taxes, if any, are the winner’s sole responsibility. 

OWNERSHIP AND LICENSE. All entry materials become the property of the FASHION MODEL DAILY and STARS MANAGEMENT and will not be acknowledged or returned. Entry into this Promotion constitutes entrant’s irrevocable and perpetual permission and consent, without further compensation, with or without attribution, to use, reproduce, print, publish, transmit, distribute, sell, perform, adapt, enhance, or display such Submission, and the entrant’s name and/or likeness, for any purpose, including but not limited to editorial, advertising, trade, commercial, and publicity purposes by FASHION MODEL DAILY, STARS MANAGEMENT and/or others authorized by them, in any and all media now in existence or hereinafter created, throughout the world, for the duration or the copyright in the Submission. FASHION MODEL DAILY, STARS MANAGEMENT and/or others authorized by them shall have the right to edit, adapt, and modify the Submission. 

NO PRIZE TRANSFER OR SUBSTITUTION. No prize or any portion thereof is transferable or redeemable for cash. No substitutions for prize except by FASHION MODEL DAILY. 

CONSENT AND RELEASE. By entering in the Promotion, each entrant releases and discharges FASHION MODEL DAILY, STARS MANAGEMENT, judging organization (if applicable), and any other party associated with the development or administration of this Promotion, their parent, subsidiary, and affiliated entities, and each of their respective officers, directors, members, shareholders, employees, independent contractors, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, “Sponsor Entities”), from any and all liability whatsoever in connection with this Promotion, including without limitation legal claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages, demands or actions of any kind (including without limitation personal injuries, death, damage to, loss or destruction or property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation, or portrayal in a false light) (collectively, “Claims”). Except where prohibited: (i) entry into the Promotion constitutes the consent of each entrant, without further compensation, to use his/her name, likeness, biographical data, contact information and his/her Submission for editorial, advertising, marketing, publicity, and administrative purposes by FASHION MODEL DAILY, STARS MANAGEMENT and/or others authorized by them; (ii) acceptance of a prize constitutes a release by any winner of the Sponsor Entities of any and all Claims in connection with the administration of this Promotion and the use, misuse, or possession of his/her Submission or any prize; (iii) any potential winner may be required to sign an affidavit of eligibility (including social security number) and a liability/publicity/copyright release; and (iv) if prize involves travel or activities, any potential winner and travel companion (if applicable) may be required to execute releases of FASHION MODEL DAILY and STARS MANAGEMENT from any and all liability with respect to participation in such travel/activities and/or use of the prize. Releases must be received by Sponsor within twenty-four (24) hours from the date/time that Sponsor first tries to notify the potential winner. If the prize includes participation in any public event(s) or publicity, or if FASHION MODEL DAILY Entities or STARS MANAGEMENT intend to publicize the winner in any way, and it is revealed that a potential winner has engaged in conduct that could damage the reputation or business of any Sponsor Entity, as determined by FASHION MODEL DAILY or STARS MANAGEMENT in its discretion, the potential winner may be disqualified and the prize may be awarded to an alternate winner.

DISCLAIMERS. (i) Neither FASHION MODE DAILY nor STARS MANAGEMENT is responsible for entries that are lost, late, misdirected, incorrect, garbled, or incompletely received, for any reason, including by reason of hardware, software, browser, or network failure, malfunction, congestion, or incompatibility at FASHION MODEL DAILY or STARS MANAGEMENT's servers or elsewhere. In the event of a dispute, entries/votes will be deemed submitted by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet Access Provider, online service provider, or other organization (e.g., business, educational institute) that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. (ii) FASHION MODEL DAILY or STARS MANAGEMENT, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to disqualify any person tampering with the entry/voting process or the operation of the web site or otherwise attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the Promotion. Use of bots or other automated process to enter/vote is prohibited and may result in disqualification at the sole discretion of FASHION MODEL DAILY or STARS MANAGEMENT. (iii) FASHION MODEL DAILY further reserves the right to cancel, terminate or modify the Promotion if it is not capable of completion as planned, including by reason of infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, force majeure or technical failures of any sort. (iv) Sponsor Entities are not responsible for errors in the administration or fulfillment of this Promotion, including without limitation mechanical, human, printing, distribution or production errors, and may cancel, terminate or modify this Promotion based upon such error at its sole discretion without liability. In no event will FASHION MODEL DAILY or STARS MANAGEMENT be responsible for awarding more than the number of prizes specified in these rules. (v) In the event this Promotion is cancelled or terminated, pursuant to subparagraph (iii) or (iv), FASHION MODEL DAILY, in its sole discretion, may elect to select a winner from among all eligible entries received up to the date of discontinuance for any or all of the prizes offered herein and STARS MANAGEMENT may, in its sole discretion, also elect to enter into a representation agreement with any such winner. (vi) SPONSOR ENTITIES MAKE NO WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS OR GUARANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR IN LAW, AS REGARDS THIS PROMOTION OR THE MERCHANTABILITY, QUALITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING ANY PRIZE OR ANY COMPONENT OF ANY PRIZE. (vii) CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY AN ENTRANT/VOTER TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE THE WEBSITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THIS PROMOTION MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND/OR CIVIL LAWS, AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ATTORNEYS’ FEES) FROM ANY SUCH ENTRANT TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. (viii) The value(s) of the prize(s) set forth above represent FASHION MODEL DAILY’s good faith determination of the approximate retail value(s) thereof; the actual fair market value(s) as ultimately determined by FASHION MODEL DAILY are final and binding and cannot be challenged or appealed. In the event the stated approximate retail value(s) of a prize is more than the actual fair market value of that prize, the difference will not be awarded in cash or otherwise. No substitution or compensation will be given for any portion of the prize that is not used.

APPLICABLE LAWS AND JURISDICTION. This Promotion is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Issues concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to any principles of conflict of laws. All disputes arising out of or connected with this Promotion will be resolved individually, and without resort to class action, exclusively by a state or federal court located in Marin County, California. Should there be a conflict between the laws of the State of California and any other laws, the conflict will be resolved in favor of the laws of the State of California. To the extent permitted by applicable law, all judgments or awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket damages (excluding attorneys’ fees) associated with participation in this Promotion and shall not include any indirect, punitive, incidental and/or consequential damages.

SPONSORSHIP. This Promotion is sponsored by Fashion Model Daily. d/b/a AJR Model Media, (the “Sponsor”).


What You Need To Know About Model Release Forms

What You Need To Know About Model Release Forms

Model release forms are documents that, if signed, give photographers/clients the right to use your image and likeness through any still or video footage that they have taken of you. Release forms were not used that often before the advancements in technology and social media, but now they seem to be the norm for every shoot.

Part of your agent’s job is to negotiate how and where your final images or film will be used and for how long. This is partly because the client’s use of your likeness can affect your rate. In general, more specifically advertising, greater exposure commands a higher rate, or ‘usage fee’. But, it is also dependent on the budget or brand.

Agents and clients occasionally draw up written contracts to formalize their agreements. They will include rates and usage, plus any non-disclosures or exclusivity clauses. However, clients may still give you release forms to sign at shoots, despite having contracts in place.


Although clients may have your agent pre-approve their releases or adjust them to match the contracts; there are a few that won’t. Call your agency the moment you receive any model releases that you weren’t alerted about before going on set. Your agent will let you know if you need to make any corrections or alterations to it.

Signing a release without your agent’s permission can potentially hinder your modeling career. You could be authorizing the client rights to unlimited usage of the images, for an unlimited amount of time and without further reimbursement to you.


Should you feel pressured into signing a release, politely inform the client that you are under contract that prevents you from signing anything without your agency’s consent.  Additionally, you can say that you would be happy to forward it to your agent for approval.

If you sign a release without your agent’s approval, you could be giving the client unlimited use of the images for an unlimited amount of time, without further reimbursement.
If you sign a release without your agent’s approval, you could be giving the client unlimited use of the images for an unlimited amount of time, without further reimbursement.

Airline Ticketing Agent Saves Teens From Alleged Human Trafficking: Why You Should Never Accept Online Modeling Gigs Without Doing Research

On August 31, 2017, American Airlines ticket agent, Denice Miracle, saved two girls, aged 15 and 17, from falling into a suspected human trafficking ploy. According to the story published in the NY Daily News on Monday, the two teens were lured via Instagram by a man offering to fly them to New York for a modeling opportunity. The girls were to be paid $2000 plus first class flights to dance in a music video.  Fortunately, the observant ticket agent noticed too many red flags when the girls came to check-in at her counter.  read the full story

Although social media has broadened our access to information and possibilities, it also has a downside. Teens and young adults are approached by predators claiming to be in the modeling industry all too often. In fact, it has become so common that numerous model agencies feel it necessary to announce caution to all aspiring models on their website homepages. Boys and girls are encouraged to verify any scouts or industry professionals who claim they are with the agency. Agents cannot stress enough how important this is.

If you are approached through social media, begin your research into the person or company immediately. Although it could be a bona fide offer, it is in your best interest to make sure! Should the individual claim that they are from a model agency, you can find out how to confirm this here.  You can still use similar research tactics for people who say they are in the ‘industry’. However, here are a few extra tips to prevent yourself from getting into a dangerous scam.

  1. Do not give out bank account details or personal details; such as home address or social security number.
  2. Talk to a guardian/parent about the contact and what you have been offered.
  3. Do not travel to, or with, the person without verification.
  4. Contact law enforcement if you know that the person/offer is not legitimate.


Finding A Legitimate Model Agency


Are you looking for a model agency to submit to? Be aware that if you are uninformed in the modeling business, you are more likely to be taken advantage of. What may appear to be a legitimate model agency, can turn out to be nothing but a fraudulent scam.

However, FMD will show you what to look out for, and how you can determine whether an agency is legit.



There are two major clues to scams or phony model agencies.

  • The agent asks for money upfront or an “enrollment fee”. A true model agency only makes money when booking their models on jobs, not by signing them.
  • You are required to pay for modeling classes or a portfolio in advance to be considered for representation.




  • Check if the business is run out of an office, rather than a residence or a PO Box and that it is located at the advertised address.
  • Should the agency be open for a short period of time, get background information on the person who started the company. Were they an agent? Do other agencies work with them?
  • Be cautious of anyone with a Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, or any other non-business email address.





Agency Websites: These days most agencies have websites that provide enough information to prove their credibility. How long they have been in business, their clientele list, and submission policies are just a few examples. Additionally, their models’ portfolios will give you an idea of the type of men and women that they look for. You will also see the quality of clients and photographers they work with.

Blogs and Social Media: Checking out the agencies’ blogs and other social media pages are very quick and effective ways to learn more about them and their image.

The Better Business Bureau: The reputation of a company is perhaps the most telltale sign of its legitimacy. The Better Business Bureau or the local Chamber of Commerce (for international research) is where any reported complaints against the agencies, such as fraud or mismanagement, can be found.


Approach a Department Store: Contact your nearest department stores to find out if they use models for events. If they do, ask which agencies they hire from.

Contact Model Agencies: Although most agents will be too busy to answer a slew of questions, the receptionist or office manager should be able to help you.

