Cell Phone

Cellphone Etiquette

Lulia Cirstea photographed by Jamie Nelson for Shape Magazine

Nobody leaves home without one, so we thought we might highlight some cell phone etiquette for you to consider the next time you reach for your iPhone or Android during appointments and bookings.



WHILE ON A JOB - Limit cell phone use to lunch or coffee breaks, and switch your phone to silent mode for the duration of the booking.  Although plugging yourself into your device is generally accepted during any downtime - which may be a lot, it is important to remain attentive to your surroundings and make conversation with your colleagues. This way, you will not come across as an introvert or disconnected, and you will also be aware of when the client needs you on set.

AT CASTINGS AND APPOINTMENTS - Phone calls should be made before and after castings, fittings, go-sees and other business related appointments, and silence all notifications and ringtones. If you are not distracted by your phone, you won't miss any important instructions or cues.


SAFETY - If a serious issue arises during a modeling appointment or job, such as; you feel that you are in danger, or being exploited, call your agency immediately to notify your agent. You should also report any criminal incident to law enforcement.

WORK OR EMERGENCY RELATED CALLS - Although we suggest not using your phone during bookings and appointments, you may find yourself waiting for hours at a casting or on the sidelines of a photo shoot, in which case it is acceptable to make and receive business or personal emergency phone calls.

Cellphone Etiquette

Cara Delevingne by Ellen von Unwerth for the Sunday Times Style Spring 2016 Cover


SELFIES IN THE ARTIST'S CHAIR - Most stylists and artists don't mind the selfies or Snapchat filtered videos while you're sitting in the hair and makeup chair or trying on an outfit. Occasionally, they like to join in the fun and record their creative masterpieces. However, don't let it get in the way of what they are trying to do - their job. They too are hired by the client and on a strict schedule. Even scrolling through your phone can be just as frustrating for an artist, because they need you to follow their instructions while they apply makeup, style, and groom you. Resist the urge to bring out the camera phone until the artist says it's OK, and there's spare time to Snapchat away. 

NOISY NOTIFICATIONS AND PHONE CALLS- Loud phone conversations and constant pinging of texts and messages are very off putting for everyone around you. Go to a discreet place to make your calls, when it's appropriate, and keep your phone on silent.  

INDISCREET CHATTER - Be careful with your conversations. Avoid speaking negatively when you are around a client or their team, even when you think they are out of earshot. A casual phone conversation with a friend about an uncomfortable outfit or a long day could potentially offend the client. Additionally, profane or aggressive conversations are inappropriate in any professional environment. 




