Amber Ritchie

Editorial: Viva L’Italia

EDITORIAL: The New Faces Of L.A.

Airline Ticketing Agent Saves Teens From Alleged Human Trafficking: Why You Should Never Accept Online Modeling Gigs Without Doing Research

On August 31, 2017, American Airlines ticket agent, Denice Miracle, saved two girls, aged 15 and 17, from falling into a suspected human trafficking ploy. According to the story published in the NY Daily News on Monday, the two teens were lured via Instagram by a man offering to fly them to New York for a modeling opportunity. The girls were to be paid $2000 plus first class flights to dance in a music video.  Fortunately, the observant ticket agent noticed too many red flags when the girls came to check-in at her counter.  read the full story

Although social media has broadened our access to information and possibilities, it also has a downside. Teens and young adults are approached by predators claiming to be in the modeling industry all too often. In fact, it has become so common that numerous model agencies feel it necessary to announce caution to all aspiring models on their website homepages. Boys and girls are encouraged to verify any scouts or industry professionals who claim they are with the agency. Agents cannot stress enough how important this is.

If you are approached through social media, begin your research into the person or company immediately. Although it could be a bona fide offer, it is in your best interest to make sure! Should the individual claim that they are from a model agency, you can find out how to confirm this here.  You can still use similar research tactics for people who say they are in the ‘industry’. However, here are a few extra tips to prevent yourself from getting into a dangerous scam.

  1. Do not give out bank account details or personal details; such as home address or social security number.
  2. Talk to a guardian/parent about the contact and what you have been offered.
  3. Do not travel to, or with, the person without verification.
  4. Contact law enforcement if you know that the person/offer is not legitimate.

